Classes of the Month

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50 Minutes Live SBW Mix Part 2


We start with Supple Strength, the moves are hip, hamstring and glutes focused so we are really going to open up the muscles to begin with.

Next is rebounding with some lovely choreography and we finish off with weights. I am using 3kg and 5kg (6.6lbs & 11lbs) dumbbells with some balance thrown in for good measure.

30 Minutes Rebounding For Self Care


Maybe you have had some time off of rebounding or things have been a little difficult at home and you are feeling low, this gentle bouncing at 112BPM is the class for you.

Take yourself and your rebounder away from all of that and have a little bit of quality time softly bouncing.

20 Minutes Step & Tone


You can make this class an advanced class by simply adding heavier weights. Alternatively, don’t add weights to make things a little easier.

45 seconds working with 15 seconds recovery, we grab the weights, 2kg (4.4lbs) dumbbells, in the second half of the video.

Squats. lunges and funky music, let’s get set up and do this together.

15-30 Minutes Single Kettlebell HIIT


Do you have 15 minutes to spare or can I steal you away for 30 minutes? Whatever time you have, let’s try this single kettlebell HIIT where we work for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds.

This is a great full body resistance class. It is important to challenge your body and use a weights that is medium heavy. I have a 12kg (26lbs) kettlebell plus I use a 2kg (4.4lbs) dumbbell on one exercise only so this is not needed but helps with posture and good technique.

22 Minutes Sprint & Hill Climb Circuit


40 seconds working with 20 seconds rest. We’re chopping between hill climbs and time and a half sprints.

This class is seated the whole way through. To make the class easier or harder, use your resistance to what suits you and your abilities.